About me

I’m a jeweller from Bolton, welcome to my world....
It’s no secret that I get a real kick out of creating beautiful jewellery, especially when there’s a story behind it.
Speaking of stories, let me tell you mine...
Growing up, I have so many memories relating to jewellery – from trying a ring on every finger in my Mum’s shop to my Dad getting home from work after a busy day in his workshop with a bracelet he’d handmade for me. Before I knew it I had a huge crush on anything and everything shiny, and it’s safe to say being the daughter of two jewellers that it’s most definitely in my blood!
After leaving school in 1994, I started to help out in my Dads workshop, and before I knew it I was on the bench getting my hands dirty and studying a diamond grading course with Antwerp’s finest – HRD.
I spent many years repairing, altering and restoring jewellery, figuring out how things are made and then rebuilding them when they’d become worn. All this has given me the foundation and knowledge to now do what I love the most – creating!
Using traditional goldsmithing skills I’ve learnt over the years and combining them with the latest equipment and technology means that alongside repairing jewellery for my valued clients, I can also create beautiful, bespoke pieces with timeless results.
I’m also really excited to be working on my own beautiful range of jewellery ‘Lucy in the Sky’ which will be a collection of contemporary designs using a mixture of precious metals and gemstones which I cannot wait to share.

Here I carry out all of my work from jewellery repairs to creating an individual piece of jewellery which is unique and extra special to you.